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We produce the full range of manuals and plans required by IMO rules, regulations and international codes to provide compliance for our clients.

We co-ordinate the approval process on your behalf, such as:​


  • Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plans (SOPEP)​
  • Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plans (SMPEPs)​
  • Ballast Water Management Plans (BWMP)​
  • Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plans (SEEMP)​
  • Ship Specific LSA and FFE, SOLAS Training Manuals​
  • Ship Security Plans​ (SSP)
  • Garbage Management Plans​ (GMP)
  • Safety Management Systems​
  • Harbour/Port Operations Manuals​


Dry Dock Specifications​

The preparation of a dry dock specification document can be extremely time consuming and demanding. We can produce the dry dock specifications for your vessels to save your technical team the time and effort.

Winterisation Manuals​

If your vessels operate in cold climates, we can produce vessel-specific winterisation manuals and documentation to help ensure your crew are suitably prepared for operating the vessel in cold climates.

Class Notation Manuals​

Some class notations require specific documentation to be made available on board. We can produce ship or fleet documentation to enable you to comply with Class requirements.​

Bespoke Marine Documentation, Reviews, updates and document rewrites​

We are experts at producing a range of technical documentation tailored to your specific needs. Contact us to enquire how we can help you.